Friday, July 24, 2009

Stand up, Sen. McConnell! Be the Statesman against socialism!

Stand up, Sen. McConnell! Be the Statesman against socialism!

July 22nd, 2009

Dear Senator McConnell,

I thank you for your opposition to Sotomeyer! Please continue to rise up against this Obama steamroller of socialism. This is your time, Senator, the time to stand up and equip yourself like a man, a statesman. Do not cow tow to the Marxist Democrats who are pushing socialism with Obama and Pelosi and Reed. If ever we needed your voice, if ever we Kentuckians, we Americans, needed your voice to cry out against this attack against our Republic it is now. This attempt by Obama and his minions who represent the Marxist socialists to take over health care in America must be opposed with every fiber of your being. I urge you to use all your power and your bully pulpit to rise up. The Lord God will be with you if you stand up with Him. He is raising a standard against this tide of evil. I'm hoping you will take the challenge to redeem yourself and stand for our Constitutional government. If American's wanted socialism in health care it would need to be approved by 3/4ths of the states along with 2/3rds of Congress. This would be an abrupt departure from a Republican form of government. Obviously the current law on the table is not following Constitutional format.
Senator, I implore you to rise up further and to stand in the gap for Kentuckians. Your vote is insufficient by itself, but you and I know your power goes far beyond that. Use it, or lose it they say.
May God help you to do the right thing. We are praying for you. I am praying for you.

Sincerely - a patriot who still believes this is a Christian nation founded upon Biblical principles,
Douglas Roy
Owner of D&S Construction and President of Kentuckians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement

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